No this is not a confused Chevron
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Ladies night out PT2
No this is not a confused Chevron
Posted by Maureen at Sunday, May 31, 2009 1 comments
Saturday, May 30, 2009
DSM Ladies Rock and Bowl
Posted by Maureen at Saturday, May 30, 2009 5 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Speaking The Truth
I am having a moment here and yes I am actually in tears.
I feel angry hurt and very dissapointed.
Perhaps I should not write.
Perhaps I should just go into prayer longer than I have
Perhaps I should just ignore this moment
I won't
Because I have something to say about open forums and what people have to say on them.
It's a free world and we have free speech and most importantly Free will.
I am choosing Free will right now because I believe this is important.
Take this as you please forgive me if you must but I implore you to think about what I have to say.
I received a message from a very close friend today. When I saw it I cried ,became angry and then dissapointed.
My heart is aching right now.
It was a post that someone allowed on their facebook with disreguard for others.
Private messages are for a reason.
Use them.
Do you think your facebook is safe from the outside world?
Well it's not!
I got rid of my facebook because of crap like this.
Was it appropriate for my friend to send this to me? You can be the judge of that.
but before you decide know this,it was sent because we are in agreement always that we need to be in prayer for our friends every day.Even when we don't want to be.
Amy wrote a post on Grace and it was brilliant and from the heart and I read it often.
What erks me is that we don't always realize there is a difference between Grace and Grace with enablement.
Choosing sides when friends have issues.
The He said /She said BS
For example:
When a marriage breaks down there are two sides of the story. Yes it's difficult when they are your friends and want to vent. So what does one do?
Lets face it we tend to want to choose sides.
Depending on which story at the moment makes one more of a victim than the other.
Come on we know it's true we have all done it!
Does this mean we were never really a friend to the other partner?
Does it not say in the bible when a brother/sister sins we are to go to them and if they don't listen we are to go with another?
What does one do when you abide by the laws of God and they still don't listen.
You work very hard to extend grace from within yourself.
That's really difficult at times.
But you don't enable either party to walk around and hurt others be it willingly or not.
Their issues can effect you wether one sees it or not.
You can become different and if you don't think people notice You are mistaken because they do.
Do you realize allowing cruel posts can effect your integrity?
The issue then flows over to others.
What does this show our children, because they are watching our every move.
What does this show our friends.
Have you now put them in a position of choosing your friendship over the conviction they perhaps may feel in their hearts?
I am feeling conviction right now.
How I am going to handle this. I am not sure and would love your advice.
Seriously now, Is this really my issue to handle or yours or better yet theirs
Well because of the indescretion on public forums it has now become mine.
Because I love and care for all parties involved and I see how it is effecting others around them including myself.
I am hurt by the lack of compassion for others and it angers me that it is now flowing over and hurting my friends around me.
The saddest part of all of this is we claim to be Christians and we spread the word and we love and extend Grace Blah Blah Blah.
Well we can talk the talk but can we always walk the walk?
or do we choose our moments of Christianity?
I don't know about you but I am so going to try even harder because
You/I/We are not the Judge
but we are being watched daily from the Highest judge of all
Forgive me for my bluntless
My intention of this post is not to inflict pain or hurt on anyone it was to make us all think about what we allow to be posted on any public forum.
To make us think, God extends Grace to us all and we need to follow in His suit regardless of our own personal feelings.
I speak this because I have lived it and I tell you the truth when I say I chose accountability over enablement. I chose God over sin.
Praise God for His Grace and Mercy and Forgiveness
and I Praise Him in the Highest for giving me true friends who extended me Grace without enablement. For placing friends in my path that take accountability to the highest level.
If they hadn't I would probably be posting crap like that too.
Free Will Choose Wisely
Posted by Maureen at Thursday, May 28, 2009 5 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A Special Day
Congratulations Teena and Troy The day was beautiful
The Lord was present
May you both be blessed always
Posted by Maureen at Sunday, May 24, 2009 5 comments
Labels: May 23 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Our 26th Anniversary
Remember your wedding day and how special it was.
You wished the day would never end
The first year went by fast and you could hardly believe you were starting on your second year.
Oh so in love the honeymoon would never end.
Then you were blessed with children and things did change.
Sleepless nights,smelling like baby spit-up was the only fragrance of choice
and he didn't mind
And just when the baby weight came off and sleep was your friend again you find yourself tired and mornings become nauseated.
#2 is on it's way
Repeat above cause here comes #3
Time alone was far and few between
I remember my 7Th anniversary. My mother watched the kids and I said I am kind of nervous going out.It's been a long time.
"Because I don't know what we will talk about mom"
her reply
"What all married couples talk about..... The kids"
That we did, and as much as the anticipation of getting away from them for a few hours was strong, the anticipation to get back to them was even stronger.
My mom laughed at me when we arrived home after about 2 hours.
10 years came and a night away was planned.Funny how we think differently.I was uncomfortable leaving the kids Steve wasn't.Come morning I was relaxed and comfortable but Steve wasn't and so up we got and were home before lunch.
Well Tomorrow May 20Th is our 26Th anniversary.
Since the 10Th we have gone through the teenage stage, we became in laws and grandparents. We have had financial difficulties and admittedly at times lost that lovin feeling and just co-existed.We no longer felt we had many things in common.
The "Honeymoon" stage we thought was over has actually just begun.
Even though the lingerie has changed :-)
Oh come on ladies we all have our favourite flannel
In the past 26 years we have
laughed and we've cried.
fought and made up
respected and disrespected
We have beat the odds of a teenage pregnancy turning it into a life long commitment
all because of
The Grace of God,The unconditional Love of God be it seen or unseen,felt or not.
After all He loved us before we loved each other.
He hand picked Steve just for me.
Thank you Lord. Good Choice! now for the next half of our lives could you please stop his snoring?
By the way ladies I've never snored Hahahaha
The second half of my life with my husband has just begun.
Now That's the honeymoon stage!
Why because I am not just "in love" with my husband I LOVE MY HUSBAND
Now and forever.
In Sickness in Health
For Richer or Poorer
with snoring nights or not
Till Death DO US Part
Happy Anniversary
PS. I have Junior High tomorrow night and you have your ball game to finally watch in silence see you when I get home.
Now that's Love
Below are pictures of my Grandparents wedding day
Followed by my Mother and Father's wedding day
and finally how Steve and I look today after 26 years of marriage 3 kids and 3 Grandchildren.
Posted by Maureen at Tuesday, May 19, 2009 6 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I was 17 going on 18
Oh a blast from the past.
This was sent to me from my Aunt Daphne in England.
Can you believe I was a mother of a 1 year old?
Better yet?
Can you believe those pants and hair?
I showed Steve this picture and he said
"Oh I remember those pants and I also remember hating them"
to which I replied
"Really!Cause I thoughtI looked hot in them"
His reply
"Remind me again of the world you live in"
I love my husband so much he cracks me up.
Posted by Maureen at Saturday, May 16, 2009 5 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
May 15 2009 To Be Blessed or not to be Blessed
21 years ago today I was blessed with my third child David.
David is my Bob Newhart of the family. Very dry sense of humour.
This pic was 2 years ago This is David this morning with his best friend Chantelle since Grade 7
Chantelle is a blessing in Daves life and ours.She turned 21 on the 13th of this month.
She keeps him in line and we joke about her being the bossy wife.
"Hurry up Dave if you want me to take you for lunch"
This pic was taken in the bathroom as Dave was trying to get ready.
Fortunately for Dave he was dressed when she barged in.
This is not a blessing that God has bestowed upon me.The art of Baking.Getting the lumps out of the cake by hand because your hand mixer is gone awol.
When life hands you lemons you make lemonade.
When hand mixers go awol you use.......
However God has a sense of humour 2 blenders wrong top. By the way the ShamWow doesn't clean up cake mix.
With all this being said this is my favourite day as Dave only likes home made cakes and every year I mess it up.
Last year I ripped the top off the cake trying to ice it. I cried because I really wanted to make it perfect. I told my son that I really tried hard and that to remember when he saw it that I made it out of love for him.
and when he saw it his response was.
"LOVE! Oh that's just great mom now it's too sweet"
Oh I can't wait for his one liner this year and No I am not showing you the outcome,but I am looking forward to another moment with him laughing as we always do.
By the way, while writing this I realized failing home-ec is a blessing.
It's just in disguise.
Happy Birthday Dave
I love you.
Hope that's not too sweet for your liking and you like the way I wrote Happy Birthday with my fingers in the icing. Not beneath me ladies.
Posted by Maureen at Friday, May 15, 2009 2 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thoughts on the Previous Post...Questions
I love the comments about what you see in these photos.
From Fluffy Pom Poms to Jack in the Beanstock.
From Eww a Bee to an ants perspective.
From a great hum of a song to a scary one Hahahahaha Holly too funny!
Well here are my thoughts.
First off it's the same plant.Different angle.
I love the second one with the thorns the best.
It reminded me of my walk with Christ. That was my immediate thought when I saw it.
Perhaps it reflects every Christians walk?
The stem is our path
The thorns our obstacles
But look past them looking up and what do you see?
The beautiful blue sky
The obtainable light from the darkness below,the light that directs our hearts to Jesus
but careful now.......Keep focussed on the beauty of the light for we are not there yet as hovering ever so quietly to your top right of the picture is the bee. (2nd pic) look closely you can see it's belly.
Is it just a bee or satan trying to sting our happy thoughts of Jesus.
Do we always know the difference?
Notice it is hovering on the beautiful purple flower. (1st pic)
The pretty purple flower to me conveyed temptation.
Are all things beautiful good for us?
Would you reach out blindly and pick that flower discounting the power the little bee has?
How many of us have just reached out and have gotten stung?
It's hard to constantly keep focussed when temptation comes a callin but fortunately for us the bee is no match for the Epi Pen we carry with us in our hearts.
Every day we will face the thorns and the bee, but, where there is the will there is .........
The Truth
The Life
Posted by Maureen at Monday, May 11, 2009 1 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I took these pictures last summer.
My questions are, describe what you see and how it makes you feel?
I am interested in how photographs make us feel visually, emotionally and even spiritually.
My thought process to follow.
Posted by Maureen at Thursday, May 07, 2009 3 comments
Labels: Out of Curiosity
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- Maureen
- Canada
- I am A Wife A mother of 3 A grandmother of 3 But most importantly A child of God